
The Very Circusy Caterpillar

The Very Circusy Caterpillar Adelaide Fringe 2018

Hannah Cryle. Happy Haps Productions. Cornucopia at Gluttony. 18 Feb 2018


One recalls with great fondness the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is a staple of student libraries, doctor’s offices, and probably every child’s home bookcase. My eldest loved having it read to her and knew the words by heart.


It is a clever creative then, who takes this well-worn tale and builds on it.


Hannah Cryle and Happy Haps Productions first created the show back in 2011, and have been touring the concept ever since.


Solo performer/dancer/contortionist/juggler and more, Cryle plays the hungry caterpillar dressed in a colourful lycra body suit. The twist: this caterpillar wants to join the circus.


With each passing day our caterpillar’s dinner is incorporated into the circus acts. Cryle contorts her body through two ‘ripe plum’ rings, juggles three ‘peas’, hula-hoops her way around four ‘strawberry’ hoops, spins five ‘grape’ plates, and eats her way through a huge ‘apple’ German Wheel all whilst showcasing some stunning tricks!


There is audience interaction for the kids, plenty of satire and self-deprecation to amuse the adults, and even an interpretative dance break!


The target audience is enthralled and the whole thing is cocooned and completed in just 45 minutes.


A lovely little childrens show that blossoms into a beautiful butterfly.


Paul Rodda


3.5 stars


When: 18 Feb to 18 Mar

Where: Cornucopia at Gluttony
