
Mother's Ruin: A Cabaret About Gin

Mothers Ruin A Cabaret About Gin Cabaret Festival 2016Adelaide Cabaret Festival. Artspace. 10 Jun 2016


In this world premiere, Maeve Marsden and Libby Wood, with the musical rocketry of Kiwi Jeremy Brennan, take us by the swizzle stick through the history of gin with re-lyricked songs and documentary prose.


Today, gin is a hot day's refreshment of choice but the girls have done their homework. Gin was widely abused in mid-17th Century London to the point of societal breakdown amongst those who couldn't afford scotch, and the gin and tonic helped the medicine go down in the mosquito-infested colonies.


The girls and Brennan break into song in a variety of styles to illustrate a point and tag team the entertainment. While there is an impressive array of different gin bottles decorating the set, I had no idea there were so many interesting varietals until they sang I've Been Everywhere subbing in gin labels.


A lightly entertaining show they may reprise at the Adelaide Fringe where it belongs.


David Grybowski


When: 10 to 12 June

Where: Artspace, Festival Centre
