
Kate Ceberano

Kate Ceberano Adelaide Fringe 2016RCM & Premier Artists. Garden of Unearthly Delights - The Spiegeltent. 5 Mar 2016


Ceberano is a byword for celebration and charisma.


Her curvature is caressed by a shimmering Jean Paul Gaultier-designed kaftan-like dress, and her smile signs an unbridled joy in music and performance, and just plain living. Ceberano charms her audience before every song with flirtatious banter and lusty innuendo. Aided by guitarist James Ryan, and female musical and vocal backing, Ceberano thrills the audience with her repertoire spanning twenty-three albums.


Not only is her voice now iconic in Australian soul, jazz or pop, she was the first woman inducted into the Australian Songwriters Association Hall of Fame. She is a celebration of sensuality, and the years have not wearied her. She wonders why performers like herself - in her 50th year of life - turn their pop tunes into jazz, and "here is one I've done as well."


Always an eye on the spunky new talent, the striking singer and guitarist James Ryan performs some of his own work and complements the others. The hour is fun and spontaneous, like being present in the recording studio. New things are tried, new sounds discovered, some things even repeat after discussion - all with a sense of adventure and love of the craft - and the audience are right along with them. Her presence radiates the room.


Kate and her crew receive the most immediate, the most spontaneous, and heartfelt standing ovation I have seen, that even she seemed taken aback.


There is only one more show and you better go. Double bravo!


David Grybowski


When: 5 and 6 Mar

Where: Garden of Unearthly Delights - The Spiegeltent
