
Ahir Shah – Distant

Ahir Shah Distant Adelaide Fringe 2016The Producers - The Cranny. 27 Feb 2016


Ahir has come a long way for his first of, what one hopes to be, many performances on our sunny side of the world!


A self-confessed lecturer, Ahir is incredibly intelligent, well read, and politically left leaning – or is that liberal? It’s so hard to tell with today’s political parties. Regardless, it is a stand-up show worth standing up for.


Don’t feel bad if you occasionally struggle to keep up with some of the complex humour. He is cleverer than most of us will ever hope to be. It is a comedy show that inspires one to paint a placard and take to the streets in errant – nay honourable – support of some cause dear to our hearts, or even perhaps his!


Nothing is safely out of Shah’s ridiculous reach. Isis gets a blasting, as does Abbott and Turnbull. Shah is trying a mixture of his old and new humour to see what Australian audiences will relate to. We are a small audience, no mean feat for a comedian to control – but we are at his mercy. One would happily sit and listen to what he has to say for hours on end irrespective of whether it was funny or not. His opinions are simply worth hearing.


It is contemporary comedy. The shine is missing, but it will come with time and experience. The raw gem has all the potential of a beautifully polished gemstone and one is pleased to have witnessed its unearthing at this, Shah’s inaugural Adelaide Fringe.


Here’s hoping he returns to do it all again next year, with plenty of new insights and well-formed opinions to share with us all.


Don’t miss it, just in case we Aussies have scared him off!


Paul Rodda


When: 27 Feb to 13 Mar

Where: The Producers Cranny/Warehouse
