
Le Petit Circus

Le Petit Circus Adelaide Fringe 2015Highwire Events & Entertainment.  Gluttony - The Peacock.  22 Feb 2015


They say good things come in small packages.  In this case, it turns out super awesome circuses also come in small packages!  In its current incarnation, Le Petit Circus features three wonderful performers whose infectious smiles and fun antics keep the applause coming throughout.  


Jake Silvestro, Jane Schofield and Ollie Versteegen perform admirably in Gluttony's The Peacock in incredible temperatures and (on this unique occasion) minus their costumes due to an overzealous member of the cleaning staff.  Despite the heat and less than ideal attire, they put on a fantastic show that kept their audience, young and old, whooping and cheering for more.


With acrobatics, juggling and trapeze, there is no lack of circus action.  Individually they shine; Schofield was a crowd favourite with her show of strength holding up troupe member Silvestro and hula-ing more hoops than you could count whilst monitoring 6 spinning plates.  Silvestro impressed with his cart wheeling and Versteegen's back flipping and classic "detachable thumb" trickery won hearty appreciation.

But the troupe is at their best playing off each other in acts including a hilarious game of not-quite musical chairs.  


Le Petit Circus trio get a "hats off" for performing a great show under really trying circumstances.   Packed full of energy and excitement, this is a must-see family event for the Fringe season. 


Nicole Russo


When: 17 Feb to 15 Mar

Where: Gluttony - The Peacock
