
Story: Alfie, what is it all about...

Alfie Matt Byrne Media 2015Matt Byrne did not have to do a lot of hunting to find his Alfie.

He didn’t even have to hold an audition.

Marc Clement was “it”.


He has been around MBM shows for twelve years and has played major and leading roles in most of them. As for the role of Alfie, well, it was tailor made.


“Matt just came up and asked me if I would do the part,” says Marc. “What an iconic role.”

Alfie, the libidinous Londoner, was the character who made Michael Caine famous in 1966, which is the era in which the play is set.

It tells of Alfie’s “sexploits” among women young and old in the heydays of Swinging London.


Marc not only comes with the musical and acting experience for this lively, naughty and funny piece of classic theatre.  He comes with the cultural background to take on the part made famous Caine.


“I’m originally from England, so I’ve got the Cockney accent sorted,” he laughs.

Clement is 42 and in real life he’s a seasoned RDNS nurse.

“I’ve also been a musician since I was born,” he says.

“And I’m a singer, songwriter, guitarist and bass player.”


He is also a writer. Clement has written a TV Show of which he has produced three episodes. In each he plays eight characters.

“It’s called All Right With All Bright,” he explains. “It’s a sit com about a psychiatrist who sets up practice in a country town where a psychiatrist isn’t really needed. We’re looking for funding.” 

He has short films in the pipeline, too.


But right now, it is full-on rehearsing for Alfie which opens at Holden Street Theatres on October 7.


“I’ve played Holden Street before and it is good. I love the intimacy of it,” he says.

"And Afie gets to interact with the audience. It is perfect for that. I’ll enjoy getting really involved with them. There’ll be a few surprises for them, especially those in the front row.”

There’s some serious acting in the show, too, with no less than 15 monologues by Marc’s count.


He’s thriving on the challenge. After all, he’s played demanding roles in Reservoir Dogs, Tommy, Calendar Girls…myriad MBM shows as well as his funny folly Fringe productions.

One of the things he says he enjoys about working with Byrne are the interesting roles he presents,

“He puts on shows that other people won’t even try,” he declares.


Indeed, Byrne says he was thrilled to get the rights to this “naughty classic” written by Bill Naughton.


While the movie put Michael Caine on the map in 1966, Byrne points out that the play itself was first presented on stage in London in 1963.


“I am thrilled to give one of Adelaide’s finest actors, Marc Clement, the opportunity to create his version of Alfie Elkins in person and drive the women of Adelaide to distraction,” he adds.


Among the production’s points of interest is the Burt Bacharach connection. Bacharach composed the famous Alfie theme song, performed by Cilla Black. Just as the Alfie’s Adelaide season heads towards its finish, the man himself, Burt Bacharach will be appearing almost next door in the Entertainment Centre performing that very song live. A pleasant piece of synchronicity.


Despite the predatory nature of Alfie in the play, Byrne says the story stands as "a cautionary tale of a life lived without a moral compass”.


Alfie is a narcissistic, unfaithful womaniser - but he ends up a lost soul.

Hence, the show’s famous catchcry: “What’s it all about?”


Matt Byrne is renowned for his ability to find new talent in Adelaide and, according to Marc Clement, there are some to-be-watched new faces in the cast along with some well-known familiars.


The cast includes Kristen Tommasini, Kim York, Heather Riley, Bronwyn Ruciak, Niki Yiannoulou, Anjali Sarma, Nadine Wood, Victoria Morgam, Kacy Ratta, John Matsen,  Sean Hilton, Reg Hamlyn, Loccy Hywood, Nick Stagg and Daniel Knowles - and, of course, Matt Byrne somewhere in there in a cameo role.


Samela Harris


When: October 7 - 10 , 14-17, 21-24 with matinees in October 17 and 24

Where: Holden St Theatres

Bookings: 8262 4906, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or